2024 Recreational Registration Will Open April 1st.
Modified Recreational "Mod Rec"
The Lake Hills Soccer Club Mod Rec soccer program is a FALL team experience for children ages 7 through 11.
"Modified" means that teams are smaller; 4-9 players on the field depending on age, with smaller fields and goals. This gives kids a lot of touches on the ball, which builds skill and confidence.
Mod soccer is focused on community values & youth development. Team rosters are grouped by neighborhood & schools.
Teams are coached by parents, grandparents, older siblings, and community members with ongoing support and training from both the club (LHSC) and Eastside Youth Soccer Association (EYSA) LEARN MORE ABOUT COACHING A TEAM!
Games are usually refereed by local teenagers and adults LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PAID REFEREE!
Teams typically have 2 practices a week and a game each Saturday, generally between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM, September through early November. Away games can be played in Issaquah, Mercer Island, Newport, West Bellevue, and Snoqualmie Valley (U11 &U12 only). Home games will be played within the LHSC boundaries.
Lake Hills does not currently offer Winter or Spring teams for Mod Rec players.
2024 Registration Fees
U8-U12 = $240 including uniform
Late registration (after July 4) is on a space available basis only and is subject to a $25 late fee.
- New uniforms are provided by LHSC at the beginning of every season, and will be a new style from the previous year; Players wear the new uniform to games, and previous year’s jerseys can be worn for practice
- Uniform includes 2 jerseys, shorts, and socks; Uniform costs are included in the registration fee for each player
- Players need to have their own soccer cleats and shin guards; these are not provided by LHSC
- Jersey, shorts and sock sizes are required for each participant on the registration form; Families should order sizes that will fit in the Fall for possible growth spurts; See the size chart for more information (attached here)
- After submitting registration, uniform sizes can be changed until July 30th by emailing registrar@lakehillssoccer.org; after July 30th, uniforms will be produced and distributed making size changes difficult; we will do our best to accommodate size exchanges
- Uniform numbers are randomly assigned, may or may not be the same number as last year; requests for specific numbers are not possible
- Uniforms will be handed out at the beginning of the season; Families will be notified where & when in late August
2024 Team Age Divisions
For all programs, the “U” stands for “Under” so U10 is for children who are UNDER the age of 10 as of August 31, etc.
Your player's "U" level changes every year as they age up to a new division.
Age groups are based on player school year (Sep 1st - Aug 31st) - exception playing up allowed with same birth year team
● MOD U8 (players born 9/1/16-8/31/17) 4-a-side games, maximum of 8 players on the team roster. No goalkeeper.
● MOD U9 (players born 9/1/15-8/31/16) 5-a-side games, maximum of 9 players on the team roster.
● MOD U10 (players born 9/1/14-8/31/15) 7-a-side games, maximum of 12 players on the team roster.
● MOD U11 (players born 9/1/13-8/31/14) 9-a-side games, maximum of 14 players on the team roster.
● MOD U12 (players born 9/1/12-8/31/13) 9-a-side games, maximum of 14 players on the team roster.
Practices: Specific days, times, and locations for weekly team practice will be determined by each team's volunteer coach.
U8-U10 players attend one weekly "practice" with only their team and one weekly "Mod Clinic" session with the other LHSC teams in their age group for a total of two practices per week.
Coaches usually schedule their team practice in relation to the Mod Clinic day, so teams practice on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday.
Coaches are responsible for communicating practice schedules to the team. Team practices usually begin in August and continue through the end of the season. Both practices and Mod Clinic will take place at fields within LHSC boundaries.
Mod clinics
Mod Clinics are a weekly practice session in which all LHSC teams in an age group (U8-U10) train with their coaches at one location.
Clinicians work on skills and drills with coaches and players. Teams also often fit in a scrimmage with another LHSC team.
The schedule will be posted below as soon as it's written, which is dependent upon the fields that LHSC is able to rent from the city and school district.
Age | Day | Time* | Location | Dates |
Boys & Girls U08 | TBD | 5:00-6:30* | TBD | TBD |
Boys & Girls U09 | TBD | 5:00-6:30* | TBD | TBD |
Boys & Girls U10 | TBD | 5:00-6:30* | TBD | TBD |
*End time subject to change based on daylight
Games will be played on smaller-than-regulation sized fields at various locations and times on the Eastside tentatively beginning Saturday, September 7, 2024 (tentative), and ending mid November
Game schedule is provided to coaches by the league in late August
Rosters are released to coaches in late June. No changes will be made to rosters other than the addition of late registrants if space is available. Coaches are asked to communicate to all players as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the coach to explain team policies and expectations as well as provide practice and game schedules.